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Intelecy in the final of Norway's smartest industrial company

Intelecy in the final selection for "Spesialprisen" in the award of Norway's smartest...

Announcement of new Chairman of the Board

We are happy to announce that Jon Øyvind Eriksen has been appointed new Chairman of the...

Invests in the next phase of autonomous industrial production

When the Asian markets slowed down because of the COVID-19 situation, Intelecy was quick...

COVID-19 Probabilistic inference with logistic growth

Updated: Sep 30, 2020 Authors: Are Haartveit, Harald Husum and Tom Van de Wiele with...

COVID-19 projections

DISCLAIMER: The modeling effort described in this article aimed to predict the first wave...

Security expert joins Intelecy published an interview with Jonathan this week. You can read the full interview "Their product can help factories save millions" talked to Intelecy founders, Bertil Helseth and Espen Davidsen, about how their...

New talent joins Intelecy

English version of the interview published by (original article) ─ At...

Intelecy became a member of EYDE cluster

We are pleased to announce that in June 2018 we became a p roud member of EYDE cluster

Intelecy inteviewed in

Photo: Jacob Buchard Intelecy and Skagerak Maturo was interviewed by the newspaper...

Article about Intelecy in Nordic 9

Nordic 9, Scandinavia-focused data platform, talks about how we raised 10 million NOK in...

Intelecy in The Norwegian Financial Daily