Intelecy News

News from Intelecy


Sustainable food production through inline sensors and AI analytics

Food processes are extremely complex and challenging to measure due to the inherently...

First place in Kaggle competition

The prestigious Kaggle competition to advance the state of the art in indoor positioning...

Trusted solution of green and sustainable production

Using machine learning to cut industry emissions

SINTEF Norlab offers Intelecy to its customers

SINTEF Norlab is Norway's largest Norwegian-owned laboratory company. They are...

Halite by Two Sigma. Kaggles multi-agent programming challenge

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Invests in the next phase of autonomous industrial production

When the Asian markets slowed down because of the COVID-19 situation, Intelecy was quick...

COVID-19 Probabilistic inference with logistic growth

Updated: Sep 30, 2020 Authors: Are Haartveit, Harald Husum and Tom Van de Wiele with...

COVID-19 projections

DISCLAIMER: The modeling effort described in this article aimed to predict the first wave...

Tom Van de Wiele leaves Google DeepMind, to work at Intelecy

Read the full interview here (in Norwegian) published in Shifter.

Will give the users superpowers

Andreas Nordahl has a burning desire to solve important societal challenges. That’s why...

Ambassador for Norwegian technology on the world market

“Intelecy is a good example of what works. This is a Norwegian quality solution that...

Security expert joins Intelecy published an interview with Jonathan this week. You can read the full interview