Intelecy News

Learn how to make your maintenance smart and lean

Written by Espen Davidsen | March 20, 2018 8:05:24 AM Z
Staying ahead of competition is never easy, especially in manufacturing where every plant downtime leads to loss of large sums of money. If you want to increase your plant’s productive capacity, reduce maintenance cost and prevent unexpected failures, register at upcoming conference "Smart vedlikehold" to learn how to make your maintenance lean through predictive maintenance.

When and where? 

Smart vedlikehold (Smart maintenance) conference 
18 & 19 April 2018
Norges Varemesse Lillestrøm, Norway 

Registration deadline: 21st March 

Why attend? 

The conference will help you understand current trends in manufacturing such as IoT, Next Generation Maintenance or CMMS development. In addition, Intelecy´s CEO, Bertil Helseth will give a presentation about predictive maintenance in manufacturing, cloud solutions and how much data you actually need to build a good predictive maintenance solution. We very much look forward seeing you this April in Lillestrøm!